The Healthy Back Blog: For mums

How’s everyones tummy muscles doing? by louisehampton
May 25, 2010, 8:46 pm
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A year on I wondered how everyone is doing with their pelvic floor and tummy exercises.

This is such an important area as if your stomach muscles are strong they help to protect your back. Back pain is extremely common for mums with young children so the more we can do to prevent it the better. If you do experience any back pain it might be worth seeing a BCA Chiropractor to make sure your back is ok.

When you little one is playing outside in the garden why not lay on the grass and do a few sit ups? Trying to encorporate exercise into your day can really help and is much easier than finding the time to go to the gym or anything.

In this weather simply going for a walk is easy and a great way to keep fit. now our babies are on the move the fitter we are the easier it is going to be to keep up with them.

If you have any tips on exercising with a little one let me know

So want Toby to walk!! by louisehampton
May 10, 2010, 6:44 pm
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Toby is now over two stone in weight and so carrying him everywhere is becoming harder and harder. I used to throw the hammer and do weight training so luckily I am pretty strong but carrying a wriggly toddler around constantly certainly takes its toll!

Toby is an excellent crawler and this is half the problem as he is so much faster at crawling than trying to walk. From his point of view its important that he doesn’t walk until his muscles are strong enough but I’m just impatient!

The walker he has certainly helps and he is very confident on that now and at cruising the furniture. Coffee cups etc have now had to be moved to a new level and nothing can be left on the coffee table!

Where’s all the nice weather gone? by louisehampton
May 6, 2010, 8:39 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

We were so lucky with Toby’s birthday party we picked the one nice day.  Since then it’s been so cold and windy.

On Saturday 24th April we had a BBQ in the garden with friends and family.  It was a wonderful sunny day and Toby got lots of toys he could use in the garden.  One of his favourites is a water table he can stand and play at.

Toby loves being outside so it is such a shame the weather has become so cold again.  Toby is nearly walking now but still has to be carried everywhere which takes it out of my back.  I am treating many mums at the moment for back pain as most people tend to carry their babies on their hip putting uneven pressure on the back.  The best way is to try and get your baby to wrap their legs round you and carry them straight out in front but this can be difficult if they wriggle and want to see what’s going on.

Gently suck your tummy in as you pick up your baby to provide a corset of support for your back.  Also when getting your baby out the cot encourage them to stand up so you don’t have to bend down too far.  If you do experience some back pain it is worth seeing a Chiropractor or doctor to see what’s going on.  To find a Chiropractor in your area visit the BCA website at