The Healthy Back Blog: For mums

Back Ache and Pregnancy by louisehampton
October 2, 2010, 7:16 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Well I’m 18 weeks pregnant and don’t I know it!!  I now have a noticeable bump and carrying Toby is becoming harder and harder.

It feels like the ligaments in my pelvis are loosening as it is much easier for my back to hurt from lifting Toby or carrying shopping.  I am getting regular Chiropractic treatment and I have a massage chair at home which is also helping but I have to be so careful.

The worst things are lifting Toby out of his buggy and the high chairas I have to lean to get his legs out.  I am now encouraging Toby to slide out of his pushchair and am looking at putting Toby in a booster seat at the table so I won’t have to do the awkward lifting.  A pillow between the legs when sleeping also really helps keep the pelvis straight.

Toby was christened the other week and here’s a couple of pics from the christening.  Notice how I have to carry Toby on my hip as he is so heavy but the trouble is it means my pelvis is put under extra strain.